The University of Colorado (CU) includes four campuses and hundreds of programs across the state of Colorado. The Office of the President wanted a data driven innovative web site that informs people about the hundreds of programs and the impact CU has state-wide. “What it really comes down to: We are all over the state,” CU President Bruce Benson said. “I think it’s important that people know that.”
Tierra Plan was engaged to create an interactive online web map application called CU for Colorado that visualizes CU’s impact across Colorado. The new site allows users to search programs by county, Congressional district, state legislative district, keywords and broad categories. It also details CU’s presence in each county by students, degrees granted, alumni, CU Advocates and patients served, among others.
Behind the scenes we also created a new centralized database for managing all the CU programs and impact statistics, replacing numerous disparate datastores that included multiple spreadsheets, databases, and time-consuming data management. CU staff can now easily manage their program information through an administrator web interface, updating the website in real-time and saving significant staff time adding and updating the hundreds of programs they are responsible for.
Other similar institutions create static maps and info graphics to visualize impacts, but the CU for Colorado application is a leading-edge approach to public engagement using data-driven mapping.
University of Colorado
Requirements gathering
Data workflows
Database design
Experience mapping
Interface design
HTML/CSS/JavaScript development
Web map development
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