Geode Web GIS Toolset


Geode is our dynamic web-based toolset for publishing GIS data to the web. We offer Geode as a hosted software service, or as an enterprise product within your organization. Geode is highly configurable, allowing for quick setup to enable new GIS websites through a simple administrative interface. Geode can consume any ArcGIS Server map service or geoproccessing service. All map layers, fields, and legend elements can be enabled or disabled within the Geode application without having to modify the map service or ArcGIS Server.

Geode excels at integrating map data with other non-GIS data sources. It has configurability to consume other external spatial and non-spatial data source, such as Oracle, SQL Server, XML, image data services, WCF and SOAP web services. This enables customers to combine GIS data with tabular databases and reporting systems to visualize, explore, and report data in new ways tadalafil no prescription.

Built to enhance and support the ESRI ArcGIS Server framework, Geode extends the power of ArcGIS Server by rapidly provisioning and customizing your GIS data in a web interface. Unlike other rigid GIS tools, this solution allows you to quickly provision views of your GIS data to any internal or external organizations and the public.

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